It’s me…Molly

Hi! It’s me, Molly!

I thought I would take a minute and tell you a little bit about myself, so here goes!

As a child, I always tried to have my best friend with me at all times. But, sometimes it’s hard to do the right thing, and the only way my best friend could be with me, was if I was “Choosing The Right.”

My Primary teacher gave all us kids in her class a “CTR” ring, and I kept mine on at all times, to help me remember to always “Choose The Right”, that way H.G. could always be by my side.

As I have grown up, I have tried to always help others – that way, I don’t always concentrate on myself, besides, I really enjoy helping others!
There is a lot to learn about me, I have many interests and I love to be involved in as much as I can!

Tour my web site, that’s the best way to really get to know me! I will be adding more great info all the time, and would love to hear your suggestions!

If you want to learn a little more about me, you can read 25 Random Things About Me.

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8 comments on “It’s me…Molly

  1. Douglas Stambler on said:

    I’m LDS, looking for a ministry to do a lot of outreach work outside of the Church in food storage. Do you know of any opportunities?

    Thank you.

  2. Molly on said:


    I don’t really know, but, usually you can contact your stake employment specialist who may know or your local township/county about opportunities. I know that here in our County, they welcome all kinds of help. Maybe you can put together a class and offer it through the county (like they do for swimming and gardening classes) or through a local junior college as an extension. Also, the senior citizen centers usually like these kinds of classes or they may have a resource for you. Not knowing where you are located makes it a little more difficult, but places such as your local bishops store house, the church’s welfare program in your local area or in Salt Lake City may have ideas or contacts also. I will see if I can find information on this and I will post it here.

    Great Question! Thank you!


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  4. on said:


    I love your site! It is a great balance between doctrine and the application of the gospel. Keep up the good work.

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