Contributor info.

I am always looking for help! Are you capable and/or willing to: write, contribute, copy edit and design to help make the site better? Then, please join me in helping “Molly’s” everywhere!!

There are currently four types of volunteer opportunities:
(Molly-Mormon is currently a volunteer site. Unfortunately, no one gets paid right now, but there are plans in the works for every contributor to be rewarded!! Also, all contributions to, including graphics, articles submitted, etc., becomes property of and is copyrighted as such.)

- Some formal journalism/writing experience could be helpful, but, never a requirement!
-A positive attitude
-Keep all contributed work within LDS standards
- Willingness to learn new things and receive feedback


- Write articles for (at least one article a quarter, you can write more though!)


- Byline will be attributed for every article
- Become a member of a growing community of LDS women
- The opportunity to help Molly’s everywhere!

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One comment on “Contributor info.

  1. I love your site. I have one that is actually similar, just a little more . . . umm . . riske I guess than yours. We’re Mollys, just not the typical ones.

    I would love to be a contributor on your site if you need help. I am a writer, I write for a nationally syndicated website (and radio show) for stay at home wives and mothers, and I also run the Modern Molly Mormon blog, as well as my own personal ones.

    Please let me know if I can help in any way


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