Adopt A Family for Christmas

by Molly on November 12, 2012

It’s a tight year, and many families are making plans to keep Christmas within a budget.  Many families may go without a Christmas this year.


My family will be helping 3 families in  our area. There are 3 boys and 7 girls in these families. Because these kids are in such need, we thought we would open this up so that others can help make this Christmas Magical for these kids. If you would like to donate to help these children, please click on the donate button below.

Here is what we are considering for these kids:

Boys: two shirts, two pants, pkg of socks and underwear, snow boots, book, and a toy.

Girls: two shirts, two pants (or skirt), pkg of socks and underwear, snow boots or shoes, book, and a toy.

If we can, we would also like to give each family a few games (board games or card games).

We would love to take the mom’s with us to help, if they are able to go, however, we may do this on our own as a family. All of this will be wrapped and delivered a week before Christmas.

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