Common Denominators For Success

by Molly on December 29, 2011

I was given a copy of Common Denominators for Success by MediaGuests to review. After reading the back cover I couldn’t wait to dive into the pages and absorb the contents. I mean seriously… who isn’t interested in pursuing a lifelong dream or wishes to develop deep, meaningful relationships, enjoy optimal health, or make the most of your time and money? The book will teach a person how to turn their dreams into reality…. I’m ready!!

Kenny J. Anderson has traveled the world discovering the Common Denominators For Success in both corporate and personal excellence. Anderson has tapped into some of the most brilliant minds around the globe to help corporations and individuals discover their blueprint for success.
Anderson discovered his own success as an entrepreneur in the fields of finance, real estate, and as an inventor. As a financial advisor, Anderson has consulted individuals and companies throughout the U.S. on wealth management. In the field of real estate, Anderson created his own development company, and has contributed to over one hundred million dollars of closed real estate transactions. As an inventor, Anderson patented an idea for an athletic shoe, which later evolved into his company, Leaper Footwear LLC. Since 1998, Leaper has licensed its patent to some of the largest companies in the world.
Today, as an international consultant, speaker, and author, Anderson continues to share the formula for success to companies and individuals around the world. Recently, Anderson completed a World Tour, traveling 55,000 miles in 50 days, to 15 countries and 6 continents, interviewing leaders in the areas of business, sports, entertainment, and government. He now shares this knowledge and experience to help companies and individuals achieve their own success..

My Review:
Common Denominators For Success, is my blueprint for 2012. What an amazing read, packed full with new material formatted in an easy to read style. After just a couple minutes into my reading I quickly realized that I needed a highlighter and a notepad. If you’re looking for a content rich self improvement book, this is the one for you. Common Denominators has opened my eyes and taught me so many lessons. After reading this book, I immediately started implementing the principles and formulas that were outlined in each chapter. A common thread, for me, throughout the books is to have faith in yourself. We have much more strength than we realize.

The stories that Anderson shares beautifully illustrates each formula and the action points found in each chapter. These task items are great stepping stones to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself in this New Year. This book has taught me huge lessons in choice, faith, finding balance, living life, focus, etc… the list is always growing.

Common Denominators is a must read.

For centuries people have searched for the underlying elements of lasting success that would produce results in every aspect of life. Kenny J. Anderson has devoted 20 years of research to uncover these 7 Formulas, in his book Common Denominators For Success.
Whether you are looking to pursue a lifelong goal, increase your ability to connect with others, be in optimal health, maximize your use time and money, increase the profitability of your company, or create a dynamic workplace, these seven timeless principles will uncover the answers that will allow you to reach your potential and turn your personal and professional ambitions into reality.
Ordinary people throughout all eras of time, have achieved extraordinary results as they have applied these seven powerful formulas, but now is the time for you to live your dreams and get the results you want.

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